Health projects

QALA, Quality and Leadership Academy at Maluti Adventist Hospital

Front line managers meet monthly to discuss books on quality improvement and leadership development topics. Participants completed courses through the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. 

TeamSTEPPS training

Following a "Training for Trainers," members of the hospital staff trained their fellow staff members in techniques for improving team work. 

Quality improvement fellowship for nurses

Recent graduates of nursing school and early career nurses were selected to spend part of their time working in the Quality Improvement Department. Each fellow selected a project to complete during their term, for example, developing a space for patients to be admitted that contains all needed forms and equipment. 

Purchase of electric beds for ICU

The Intensive Care Unit beds had no ability to be adjusted for different positions. Patients who needed to sit up due to breathing problems had to be propped with pillows and nurses needed to bend in awkward postures to move patients to meet their needs. With the help of Friends of Lesotho, six electric adjustable beds were purchased. 

Purchase of AED and infusion pumps